10 Steps to Self-Esteem - The Ultimate Guide to Stop Self-Criticism

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From 30 years of professional and clinical experience working to empower individuals, Darlene Lancer, JD, LMFT, has written the ultimate guide to overcoming self-criticism - the single biggest destroyer of confidence and self-esteem. 10 Steps to Self-Esteem is both comprehensive and concise, outlined in an easy form to remember, both 1-10 and A-J. This little ebook packs powerful, practical suggestions and self-esteem building exercises in each step that you can do on your own. As you improve your self-esteem, you will learn how to:
Recognize your inner self-talk
Develop self-acceptance
Challenge your beliefs
Discipline your mind
Forgive yourself
Think positive
Build self-confidence
Improve your happiness
Practice these simple steps and quickly see your self-esteem, confidence, and self-love grow.
You'll quickly see results
See her website, www.whatiscodependency.com to get the webinar, "How to Raise Your Self-Esteem."